Dreams of a better life lead some people to try to cross the border into the United States without having the proper documentation. When these migrants cross the border into Arizona, they might end up as part of Operation Streamline. Tucson is the busiest area of...
Getting into America from another country is often difficult. For some, sending their children across the border alone becomes necessary. Currently, some of these unaccompanied children are being taken from the borders of Texas to a facility in Arizona. The mayor of...
Coming into the country as an undocumented person is sometimes necessary because of a variety of reasons. Once you are here, trying to get a legal status can be very challenging. Republican House Speaker John Boehner says that while his party is close to forming an...
For immigrants, coming to the United States is sometimes done with the hope of prosperity. An increase in opportunities is said to be leading the growth of Hispanic immigrants coming into the country. A report written by Anna Brown and Mark Hugo Lopez of Pew Research...
The stereotypical image of the nuclear American family is just that, a stereotype. In reality, American families are extremely unique, extremely diverse. Residents with a non-citizen spouse, child or parent must obtain a green card for this individual before they can...
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