There are many reasons why people around the world move from one location to another. Sometimes the move is of their own choosing, but other times it is involuntary, the latter being “as a result of the increased magnitude and frequency of disasters, economic...
I last wrote about Biden’s deportation policy. On the other side of deportation is immigration parole. Immigration parole allows someone who is inadmissible or does not have a legal basis to come into the United States to be allowed to enter for either a humanitarian...
Let’s talk about deportation. Trump’s Immigration Deportation The dark days of Trump’s immigration deportation policies are gone, at least temporarily. Under Trump, we had the Enhancing Public Safety In the Interior of the United States policy, which allowed ICE...
Opponents of illegal immigration are fond of telling foreigners to “get in line” before coming to work in America. But what does that line actually look like? And how many years (or decades) does it take to get through? Here is a visual that looks at...
America has a rich tradition of immigration. It is in fact a country of immigrants. It is one of the most desirous countries for immigrants to want to migrate to so that they can have an opportunity to experience the American Dream of individual rights and prosperity....
Immigration is a big issue in the United States as well as countries all over the world. In the United States alone, 125 out of every 1,000 people are immigrants. It is estimated that 1.5 million new immigrants, bot legal and illegal, arrive in the U.S. each year....
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