Public concern about immigration varies significantly worldwide. While some countries frequently rank it among their top issues, others prioritize different challenges. A recent Statista Consumer Insights survey across 53 countries found that, on average, only 25% of...
Several U.S. states, including California, New York, and Illinois, are losing population due to domestic outmigration, often driven by high living costs. Despite maintaining higher birth rates than deaths, these states rely on international immigration for population...
The number of people living outside their country of origin is continuing to increase for many reasons. To understand what migration will look like in the future, we need to understand migration trends and how they have evolved over time. 1. In 2020, the number of...
How do a vast majority of immigrates qualify for U.S. immigration? A 2020 analysis of U.S. State Department data revealed that family-sponsored visas, which can include spouses and unmarried children of permanent residents, brothers, sisters and older children of...
In between 2007 and 2017, the total number of undocumented immigrants living in the United States shrank by 14 percent. However, they still made up 23 percent of the total foreign-born population in 2017. 2017 was the first year in which Mexican people were not an...
According to data from Mexico’s Comisión Nacional de Búsqueda, which is overseen by the Interior Ministry, the number of currently disappeared people in Mexico surpassed 100,000 in the latest update. Combined with figures from a report by the Jesuits’...
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