Are Taxes Dischargeable in Bankruptcy?

Are Taxes Dischargeable in Bankruptcy?

The answer to this question is yes and no. Or better yet, it’s complicated. This is a complex overlapping area of the law and there are many nuances and exceptions. It is not the intent of this article to provide any legal advice. An attorney specializing in the area...
What to Consider When Choosing a Bankruptcy Attorney

What to Consider When Choosing a Bankruptcy Attorney

When you are considering bankruptcy, the choices can be overwhelming. A simple Google search can provide an endless set of results. So, how do you know which bankruptcy attorneys are worth contacting? The following infographic takes a look at this in more detail. What...
Bankruptcy and Social Security Income

Bankruptcy and Social Security Income

I live on social security income.  Can a creditor garnish my checking account? Social security income is exempt from the reach of creditors. That is, a creditor cannot garnish social security income. A person receiving only social security income is judgment proof....
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy vs Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – Which Option Is For Me?

Bankruptcy: Joint or Single Filing

I am married.  Can I file without my husband? In a community property estate like Arizona, all assets and debts incurred during the course of the marriage “partnership” are considered community property. The exceptions are property received and...
Bankruptcy and Divorce

Bankruptcy and Divorce

Is it better to file for bankruptcy before or after divorce? If a couple is considering divorce, it is generally better to file for bankruptcy before getting a divorce. In this way, all debts incurred during the course of the marriage are discharged as community...
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