
Bankruptcy and Wage Garnishment
Can bankruptcy stop a creditor from taking money out of my paycheck? Yes. When money is owed to a creditor, the creditor can go to court and get a judgment against the Debtor. If the Debtor don’t work something out with the creditor to pay off the judgment, the creditor can file a Writ of Garnishment with the Court, and the Writ then forces the Debtor’s employer to take money out of each paycheck and pay it to the creditor.

Bankruptcy and Co-signed Debt
I co-signed my son’s car that the bank repossessed- can the bank go after me? If a Debtor co-signed a debt such as a car loan for their son and the son cannot make the payments, the bank will generally repossess the car and sell it at auction. Because the car will not sell for as much as what the son owes on the debt, the bank will have a deficiency judgment for the difference between what is owed and for what the car sold.

Bankruptcy and Repossession
Can bankruptcy stop the bank from taking my car? Yes and no. When filing for bankruptcy, generally everything a Debtor owns becomes property of the bankruptcy estate, except property which is exempt under Arizona law (if you live in Arizona). The bankruptcy estate is protected from the collection efforts of creditors by the automatic stay. Arizona exemption statutes protect exempt property.

What if Employment-Based Visa is Lost or Stolen?
Employment-based visas were our topic last week. In this article, we will expand on that post to help people in Arizona learn what to do if your Employment-Based Visa is lost or stolen. If you or a loved one are in the United States on an employment-based visa, you can probably understand the horrible anxiety and fear that might come over a person who loses that visa, especially when you consider how dire the consequences can be if you don’t have your documentation when you need it.

What are Employment-Based Immigrant Visas?
Coming to work in the United States on an employment-based immigrant visa is one way that some people choose to enter the country. For people who have skills that are valuable to the workforce, this is sometimes a viable option. These visas are made available each year. From the beginning of October through the end of September, around 140,000 of these visas are made available. Anyone who is interested in these visas might like to get some answers to basic questions.

Learning More About Family-Based Visa Petitions in Arizona
The top goal for a lot of immigrants is simply to make sure that the whole family is not split up during the process. To do this, they look into family-based visa petitions, which can include related family members and which, to some degree, help keep the family together.

Laws in Arizona are Pushing Immigrants Away With Fear
According to some sources, the laws in Arizona that were set up by SB1070 are based around fear. They were designed to make immigrants feel afraid so that they would go somewhere else. These sources also indicated that this has happened, saying that some who came to Arizona have now decided to leave the state.

Basics and Caveats of Seeking Asylum
By now, a lot of people in Arizona have seen stories of people seeking asylum. Some people might be wondering exactly what this refers to. Asylum refers to a special form of protection afforded to someone who has fled from their country because of fear of persecution. In order for someone who comes to the United States to get asylum here, they must apply for it.

Arizona Governor Cries Foul Regarding Sponsors of Immigrant Kids
By now, everyone is probably well aware of the immigrant children who are crossing the border and coming through Arizona. What some people might not realize is that some of these children are going to sponsors. While that sounds like a wonderful development, there is a problem that people should be aware of. In some cases, the actual identity of these sponsors isn’t known by people in the federal government.

Businesses Want More Immigrants to Legally Work in the U.S.
The Arizona Farm Bureau has joined numerous other organizations and businesses in the United States to advocate for immigration reform. The group of organizations and businesses is actively lobbying that Congress make sweeping reforms that will help immigrants have an easier time gaining the necessary permits to work in the U.S. The advocacy group wants visa reform to help undocumented residents obtain legal status, according to a spokesperson for the Arizona Farm Bureau.