
Managing Student Loans or Discharging Them in Bankruptcy
According to, the total outstanding debt on student loans as of 2018 was $1.6 trillion!!! This does not consider private student loan. About $92.02 billion of these student loans are more than 90 days late. This article looks at managing student loans or discharging them in case of bankruptcy.

Are Taxes Dischargeable in Bankruptcy?
Are taxes dischargeable in bankruptcy? The answer to this question is yes and no. This is a complex overlapping area of the law and there are many nuances and exceptions. The intent of this article is only to touch on main points to provide the reader with a basic background so that he or she may consult with an attorney and be able to ask intelligent questions.

Making it in America: Foreign-Born Business Owners Driving Nation’s Growth
Today, nearly 1 in 5 small business owners in America is foreign-born. Entrepreneurs in immigrant populations are starting new businesses in record numbers and spuring growth in the American economy. In this article, accompanied with an infographic, we take a look at where they are finding success.

A History of Immigration in America
America has a rich tradition of immigration. It is in fact a country of immigrants. It is one of the most desirous countries for immigrants to want to migrate to so that they can have an opportunity to experience the American Dream of individual rights and prosperity. The following visual represents immigrants as a percentage of the U.S. population throughout history.

The Economic Impact of Immigration
Immigration is a big issue in the United States as well as countries all over the world. In the United States alone, 125 out of every 1,000 people are immigrants. It is estimated that 1.5 million new immigrants, bot legal and illegal, arrive in the U.S. each year. What kind of an impact does immigration have in the U.S. and around the globe?

What Are the Advantages & Requirements of an E-2 Visa
With the booming U.S. economy, many foreign investors are seeking to start a business in the United States or buy existing one. In this article we highlight the advantages and requirements of the E-2 visa.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy vs Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – Which Option Is For Me?
Are you contemplating bankruptcy as a means to get out from your debt? You are most likely are familiar with the terms “Chapter 7 Bankruptcy” and “Chapter 13 Bankruptcy” but do you know the main differences between the two, as well as which type of bankruptcy is best for your unique situation? Here is a chart below which compares the two types of bankruptcies, which may help you decide which one is best for you.

Should We Put U.S. Dollars Into the Likes of These Central American Presidents?
You may have heard the headline, “Mexican President calls for New Marshall Plan for Central America.” Presidential-hopeful Julio Castro echoes similar sentiment during first Presidential debate. So the question to debate, “Do we really want to put U.S. dollars into the likes of these Central American Presidents?” Let’s have a looks at some of the headlines surrounding several Central American leaders.

Similarities and Differences Between Temporary and Permanent Religious Workers
There are two ways to come to the United States as a religious worker. One can first apply for a temporary visa, and when that visa has expired, transfer to a permanent immigrant visa that, at the end of the process, will result in permanent residency with a green card. The other way is to apply for the permanent immigrant visa directly.

Reversal of Fortune: H-2B Visas vs H-1B Visas
H-2B visas, which allow skilled and unskilled workers to temporarily work in the United States, were previously considered by many as the “step-child” in the employment immigration scheme. They are a specialized area that many immigration attorneys avoided. The primary focus was on the H-1B worker, who had either a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. Now, under the Trump administration, the tables have turned.