
Trends in Asylum – Release Without Fear Interview or Court Hearing
I last wrote about parole and the difference between parole and bond. Today I am going to address what we are seeing at the law office in terms of parole and how the trend influences applying for asylum.

Who Is Granted Asylum in the United States?
According the The Economist, the number of asylum-seekers from China has vastly increased since President Xi Jinping rose to power in 2012. Around 70 percent of those fleeing China file for asylum in the United States. Below is a visual graph compiled from data by the Department of Homeland Security which shows that 4,800 plus Chinese were granted asylum in the U.S. in 2020.

Top Destination & Origin Countries of International Migrants in 2020
Here is a visual that charts the top destination and origin countries of international migrants in 2020. While the vast majority are migrating to the United States, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russia and the United Kingdom are the top destination countries whereas India, Mexico, China and Syria are the top origin countries.

What is Immigration Parole and How Does It Differ From an Immigration Bond?
I last wrote about Biden’s deportation policy. On the other side of deportation is immigration parole. Immigration parole allows someone who is inadmissible or does not have a legal basis to come into the United States to be allowed to enter for either a humanitarian reason or a significant public benefit.

Biden Deportation Policy Versus Trump: A Difference of Night and Day
Let’s talk about deportation. The dark days of Trump’s immigration deportation policies are gone, at least temporarily. Under Trump, we had the Enhancing Public Safety In the Interior of the United States policy, which allowed ICE agents to go on raids throughout the country, targeting migrant communities, installing a state of fear and terror.

Debt Consolidation to Bankruptcy: Steps To Take
Have your credit cards been maxed out to their limits? Do you pay only the minimum amount due or less on any of your credit cards each month? Here is an infographic that explores these and other credit related questions which will help one to determine if they need to go the route of debt consolidation or bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy: A Historical Perspective
Bankruptcy laws have changed drastically throughout the course of history in both the United States and abroad. You might be surprised to discover that insolvency and bankruptcy far predate the woes of today’s U.S. citizens. In the following infographic, learn all about the origins of bankruptcy, how it has evolved over the years, and which laws are currently governing bankruptcy in America.

The 20 Biggest Bankruptcies in United States History
Before they filed for bankruptcy, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. was the fourth-largest investment back in the United States. Unfortunately, due to their involvement in mortgage origination, the company plummeted hard during the mortgage crisis of 2008. Here is an infographic that lists the 20 largest bankruptcies in American history, including some noteworthy bankruptcies of 2017 and 2018.

What Part of Legal Immigration Don’t You Understand?
Opponents of illegal immigration are fond of telling foreigners to “get in line” before coming to work in America. But what does that line actually look like? And how many years (or decades) does it take to get through? Here is a visual that looks at various scenarios and how long it can take to immigrate to the United States.

Differences Between Lien Stripping and Lien Avoidance
Lien stripping and lien avoidance are useful tools used in bankruptcy when a creditor has put a lien on your house or some other tangible property. This articles explores the differences between lien stripping and lien avoidance.